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Assay Kits & ELISAs

M.O.M.[R] (Mouse on Mouse) ImmPRESS[R] HRP (Peroxidase) Polymer Kit

Product Sizes
1 Kit
About this Product
Additional Names:
Species on Species Detection [Detection Systems ]
Immunohistochemistry, IHC-Frozen, IHC-Paraffin, Immunocytochemistry, Immunofluorescence
Extra Details:


  • Significant reduction of endogenous mouse Ig staining when using mouse primary antibodies on mouse tissue
  • Clear, crisp specific staining of antigens of interest
  • Based on ImmPRESS[TM] reagent protocols
  • Procedures are simple and easy to follow
  • No tedious calculations or antibody prebinding steps required
Kit Contents:
  • 0.6 ml concentrated stock solution of M.O.M.[TM] Mouse Ig Blocking Reagent
  • 30 ml ready-to-use (R.T.U.) 2.5% Normal Horse Serum (NHS) for general protein blocking
  • 15 ml R.T.U. M.O.M.[TM] ImmPRESS[TM] Anti-Mouse Ig Reagent (made in horse, ready-to-use)

For years, researchers attempting to localize mouse primary antibodies on mouse tissue have relied on the Vector[R] M.O.M.[TM] Kit to produce crisp, strong, specific staining of antibody targets. The Vector[R] M.O.M.[TM] Kits are specifically designed to significantly reduce endogenous mouse Ig staining when using mouse primary antibodies on mouse tissue. The inability of an anti-mouse detection antibody to distinguish between a primary antibody produced in mice and the endogenous mouse immunoglobulins present in mouse tissue results in high background staining which obscures specific staining. This problem can be essentially eliminated by using Vector[R] M.O.M.[TM] Kits. The result is clear, crisp staining of the antigens of interest. Tedious calculations and primary antibody pre-binding steps are not required.

This Vector[R] M.O.M.[TM] ImmPRESS[TM] Kit contains our proprietary M.O.M.[TM] Mouse Ig Blocking Reagent paired with a specialized, ready-to-use, one-step M.O.M.[TM] ImmPRESS[TM] Peroxidase Polymer reagent. The M.O.M.[TM] ImmPRESS[TM] HRP polymer reagent is affinity purified and specifically optimized for use with the M.O.M.[TM] Mouse Ig Blocking Reagent. The highly active peroxidase micropolymers of the ImmPRESS[TM] Detection System provide outstanding sensitivity, limit steric interference, and enhance accessibility. Excellent staining results for a once difficult application have now become routine with the Vector[R] M.O.M.[TM] System.

The Vector[R] M.O.M.[TM] ImmPRESS[TM] Kit (Cat. No. MP-2400) contains sufficient reagents to stain approximately 150 mouse sections.

Shipping Conditions:
Storage Conditions:
2-8 [o]C
Vector Laboratories