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Postgraduate Promotion: How Can Our 2BStarter Scheme Help?

Whether you’re opening a new lab, starting a postgraduate project, or beginning your own start-up, 2BScientific’s starter scheme can help you.

The 2BStarter scheme provides a variety of discounts on some of our most versatile products. Get in touch today to discuss your specific needs, and we’ll be happy to help.


How do I join?

Applying for our 2BStarter scheme couldn’t be easier. Just email us at with the subject line “2BStarter” and a short explanation concerning your specific fields of research. We will be able to help you find the promotions that benefit your research area.

Join up as a 2BStarter by placing an order worth a £100 or more in your first year of a project, and see how membership can bring you great privileges:

1. £10 voucher (choice of Amazon, iTunes, M&S or Starbucks)

2. Selection of promotional items which may include some of the following - Pens; Hybri-Bags; Laser Pens; USB Drives; Notepads; Uchiwa fans; and many more

3. In particular, our 2BStarter scheme offers 10% off any ELISA kit. The ELISA Starter Kit provides a broad selection of standard industry reagents, making this a strong starting point for new researchers entering the field of immunology.

What is an ELISA?

Combining the specificity of antibodies with a detection system of some kind can yield one of the most powerful and reliable techniques for the detection or measurement of an analyte (the ligand) in biological samples: the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, or ELISA.

Choosing all the right reagents, buffers and antibodies for your ELISA can be difficult and time consuming, however. That’s why we’ve been working hard to find a growing range of suppliers, covering an even wider range of antigens/targets, with straightforward ELISAs and all the reagents needed, ready to go.

If you’re still unsure as to whether our 2BStarter scheme is right for you, we’d love you to look at our testimonials. Many customers have been more than satisfied with our excellent customer service, and noted our willingness to go the extra mile to ensure they’re satisfied with their purchase.

If you’re looking for people who will be friendly and help you with your order every step of the way, as well as providing excellent quality, great value products, 2BScientific is definitely the way to go.

To find out more about our 2BStarter scheme, get in touch on +44 (0)1869 238033 or contact us here and we’ll be happy to help.