Polyomavirus JC Kit
From 50% to 60% of population is infected by polyomavirus JC (JCV) during childhood. Infection is without any symptoms and later continues to the latent phase, which is characterised by long-term persistence of anamnestic IgG antibodies in serum. Virus can repeatedly reactivate in latently infected people or the reinfection by other serotype can occur. Reactivation/reinfection can be accompanied by temporary viremia or asymptomatic excretion in urine, in rare cases of immunocompromised patients it can cause infection of central nervous system - progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML). The presence of anti-JCV antibodies is one of the risk factors of PML outbreak in patients treated with natalizumab. Significant increase or high anti-JCV antibody level can indicate reinfection or reactivation in these patients.
Diagnostic efficiency
The diagnostic effi ciency study was performed on 50 serum samples with defi ned content of anti-JCV antibodies (from National reference laboratory for papilomaviruses and polyomaviruses, Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Prague, Czech Republic) and 18 serum samples which were parallely characterised by ELISA-VIDITEST anti-JCV in clinical biochemistry laboratory, University hospital in Ostrava and by validated STRATIFY™ JCV Dx SELECT tests in refecence laboratory in Copenhagen and 5 serum samples from transplant recipients with kidney JCV infection proven by DNA in blood and urine.
ELISA-VIDITEST anti-JCV is ELISA kit for the detection of specifi c IgG antibodies to JCV in human serum and plasma. ELISA-VIDITEST anti-JCV is easy to use and has high sensitivity and specifi city. The kit contains ready to use conjugate and controls and buffers VIDIA, which are interchangeable between VIDIA ELISA kits.
- Samples: serum, plasma
- Quantifi cation using 5 standards
- Incubation times 60’/60’/10’
- Incubation at laboratory temperature
- CE IVD certifi cation
- Recombinant antigens do not cross-react with the other polyomaviruses
- Quantitative data evaluation – monitoring of antibody concentration
- High sensitivity 95% and specificity 96%
- Ready to use HRP conjugate and controls
- Interchangeable VIDIA buffer