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Nordic BioSite

Headquartered in Sweden, Nordic Biosite was founded in 1997 to distribute high-quality and innovative products within Life Science research. Given our great experience and knowledge, our sales and technical support teams have the scientific and laboratory experience needed to provide high-quality support to our customers worldwide, regardless of research discipline. Nordic Biosite is ISO9001 and ISO14001 certified.

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Nordic BioSite

Superior Analytical Specificity and Sensitivity

Optibodies™ are designed to deliver unparalleled analytical specificity and sensitivity, ensuring that your immunohistochemical analyses are both accurate and reliable. They are additionally optimised for high pH and exhibit excellent stability, providing researchers with concentrated antibodies that achieve optimal staining results in external quality assessments.

Optibodies™ are crucial in diagnosing various cancers, including colon, colorectal, endometrial, and melanoma. For instance, the MSH6 antibody helps visualise the loss of MSH6 expression associated with certain cancer types, aiding in accurate diagnosis and treatment planning. Additionally, Desmin, one of the top-performing antibodies, is used to distinguish tumours of myogenic origin. It has great analytical and technical sensitivity, making it a reliable marker for identifying smooth and skeletal muscle cell tumours.

Extensive Validation and Optimisation

Each Optibody™ is extensively validated using recommended control tissues and staining criteria. This includes clones that have not been available on the market previously, offering excellent alternatives to more challenging clones.

High Scores in External Quality Assessments

Optibodies consistently receive high scores in NordiQC assessments, confirming their exceptional quality. This ensures that you can trust Optibodies™ for your most critical applications in clinical pathology

Top-Performing Optibodies™

Desmin (Clone BS21)

Desmin is an intermediate filament expressed in smooth and skeletal muscle cells, used as a marker to distinguish tumours of myogenic origin. Desmin antibody (clone BS21) offers exceptional analytical and technical sensitivity.

MSH6 (Clone BSR100)

MSH6 is part of the DNA mismatch repair system and is associated with certain colon, colorectal, and endometrial cancers. MSH6 antibody (clone BSR100) visualises loss of MSH6 expression in these cancer types.

SOX10 (Clone BS7)

SOX10 is a popular Optibody™, known for its excellent performance, sensitivity, and specificity. It performs optimally in NordiQC ratings and is crucial in identifying malignant melanoma, schwannoma, neurofibroma, and granular cell tumours.

Melan A (Clone BS52)

Melan A offers top-quality specificity and stain intensity, and it is easy to optimise. It is a valuable marker for melanoma and other tumours of melanocytic origin.

CD117 (Clone BSR24)

CD117 is essential for classifying mesenchymal tumours of the gastrointestinal tract and germinal cell tumours. CD117 antibody provides an excellent signal-to-noise ratio.