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Immunofluorescence with Vector Laboratories

With over 40 years of research, development, and manufacturing experience Vector Laboratories has acquired considerable expertise in the production of immunofluorescence reagents. Our extensive range of fluorescent reagents and mounting media accommodates a variety of experimental designs and levels of signal amplification.

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In need of VectaPlex® tips?

Immunofluorescence Resource Guide

This guide will help you:

  • Learn about the IF workflow and how to optimize each step.
  • Quickly identify and choose the most appropriate fluorescent secondary conjugates.
  • Select the best anti-fade medium to preserve your fluorescence signal for imaging and archiving

TrueVIEW Autofluorescence Quencher Brochure

For those wanting additional details on the simple protocol and mode of action of the TrueVIEW Autofluorescence Quenching Kit, this brochure contains schematics, comparison data with other types of quenchers, and customer testimonials.

Immunofluorescence Mounting Guide

This IF mounting guide provides information to help researchers choose the best mounting medium for their project and offers tips to help reduce photobleaching during the image visualization process.


Find out more about this hardening anti-fade mounting media that's great across the whole spectrum.


Vector's latest anti-fade mounting media that's great across the whole spectrum, but in a non-setting formulation.

Sample Preparation Guide

FFPE or Frozen? How to prepare your samples for staining.