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ImmPRESS-ive range of detection!

Vector Laboratories offers one of the most research-friendly ranges of polymer detection.


One of the advantages of (Strept)Avidin/ biotin complex methods such as LSAB, ABC etc is that it can be used after virtually any biotinylated reagent, offering researchers great flexibility when it comes to antibodies from less commonly used hosts. However, the use of micropolymers pre-conjugated to antibodies without biotin has many advantages, such as shorter methods and no need to block possible endogenous avidin & biotin. Not having to stay late to finish a protocol is always good! Unfortunately the range of species that can be detected with polymer kits is often limited to either mouse or rabbit. 

Vector Laboratories has one of the widest ranges of species for micropolymer detection, along with versions of antibodies adsorbed against closely related species – such as mouse and rat. This makes the ImmPRESS range one of the most research friendly micropolymer systems, and with a choice of HRP or AP conjugated enzymes too, offers great choice for multiple detection.

Some polymer systems are large and unwieldy molecules that struggle to penetrate tissues given their large molecular weight, but the ImmPRESS micropolymer offers great penetration as well as great sensitivity.

Although initially designed for use in manual methods the ImmPRESS polymer system has been tested on autostainers with favourable results, as found in the white paper based on results from the independent test centre.


Species of primary antibodyTest Tissue speciesEnzyme of choiceCatalogue No.DescriptionSizes
MouseMouse HRPMP-2400M.O.M. HRP ImmPRESS Kit15ml
RatHRPMP-7422ImmPRESS Anti-Mouse Ig, rat adsorbed, HRP 15ml
*Plus Kit available
ImmPRESS Anti-Mouse Ig, HRP (made in horse)15ml
MP-7452ImmPRESS Anti-Mouse Ig, HRP (made in goat)15ml
APMP-5402ImmPRESS Anti-Mouse Ig, AP 15ml
RabbitAll but RabbitHRPMP-7401
*Plus Kit available
ImmPRESS anti-Rabbit Ig HRP Kit (made in Horse)15ml
MP-7451ImmPRESS anti-Rabbit Ig HRP Kit (made in Goat)15ml
APMP-5401ImmPRESS Anti-Rabbit Ig AP Kit15ml
RatMouseHRPMP-7444ImmPRESS Anti-Rat Ig, Mouse Adsorbed , HRP15ml
APMP-5444ImmPRESS Anti-Rat Ig, Mouse Adsorbed , AP15ml
Other - not mouse or ratHRPMP-7404ImmPRESS Anti-Rat Ig HRP Kit50ml
APMP-5404ImmPRESS Anti- Rat Ig AP Kit15ml
GoatAll but Caprine, Ovine or BovineHRPMP-7405ImmPRESS Anti-Goat Ig, HRP Kit15ml
APMP-5405ImmPRESS Anti-Goat Ig, AP Kit15ml
Mouse &/ RabbitAll but Mouse, Rat or RabbitHRPMP-7200
*Plus Kit available
ImmPRESS HRP Universal Ig Kit15ml

*ImmPRESS Kits contain Ready to Use blocking serum & the ImmPRESS reagent as standard, but the ImmPRESS PLUS kits also contain BloxALL HRP/AP blocking reagent and DAB EqV enzyme substrate, all as ready to use reagents for the most convenient staining protocol. At a compact 15ml size, it’s great for small projects, or if you’re just getting started.

Double Labelling Options

The range also has super simplified multiple labelling reagents in the ImmPRESS Duet kits, complete kits for detection of a mouse and rabbit primary antibody in the same section. These kits include BloxALL HRP/AP Blocking reagent, a mouse/ rabbit HRP & AP cocktail as well as the ImmPACT DAB EqV and ImmPACT Vector Red substrates.

1* Ab SpeciesTest tissueEnzymeCatalogue No.DescriptionSize
Mouse AP (red)
Rabbit HRP (brown)
All but rat, rabbit and mouseAP/HRPMP-7714ImmPRESS® Duet Double Staining Polymer Kit 
(HRP – Anti-Rabbit IgG-brown, AP – Anti-Mouse IgG-magenta)
Mouse HRP (brown)
Rabbit AP (red)
All but rat, rabbit and mouseAP/HRPMP-7724ImmPRESS® Duet Double Staining Polymer Kit 
(HRP Anti-Mouse IgG-brown, AP Anti-Rabbit IgG-magenta)

If your desired combination isn't here, do check out Vector's Guide to Multiple Antigen Labeling, or contact our technical support, who will be happy to help you. 

Super Sensitive Detection

Whilst not much compares with tyramide amplification for sensitivity in IHC, tyramide can also amplify any background staining too, so requires a deft touch, or exceptionally rigorous blocking. The ImmPRESS Excel kits are a happy medium, very sensitive but without a tyramide price tag!

Utilising an amplifier antibody followed by the relevant ImmPRESS micropolymer, much more HRP can be deposited at the antigenic site. Coupled with the ImmPRESS EqV DAB as a complete kit, this offers Vector’s most sensitive IHC system.


1* Antibody speciesCatalogue no.Description SizesDescription
MouseMP-7602ImmPRESS® Excel Amplified Polymer Staining Kit, Anti-Mouse IgG, HRP15ml
ImmPRESS® Duet Double Staining Polymer Kit 
(HRP – Anti-Rabbit IgG-brown, AP – Anti-Mouse IgG-magenta)
RabbitMP-7601ImmPRESS® Excel Amplified Polymer Staining Kit, Anti-Rabbit IgG, HRP15ml
ImmPRESS® Duet Double Staining Polymer Kit 
(HRP Anti-Mouse IgG-brown, AP Anti-Rabbit IgG-magenta)